- Kaze to Rock Channel (Youtube-concert stream)
- Kaze to Rock 2 Channel (Youtube-surrounding areas stream)
- Higashinihon (Youtube-rest area stream)
- Google site (not confirmed)
Live Fukushima 2011.09.14~09.19 (http://livefukushima.jp/)
09.15 - 1500~2000 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YloeNy8ABkI)
09.16 - 1500~2000 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te7aBK5rNWc)
09.17 - 0900~1830 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU4OyeU3C_c)
09.18 - 1500~1900 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0B4zbqPp2I)
09.19 - 1700~2200 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kncFq_1ASf0)
Missed the darn show due to lightning, thunder, rain, too afraid to attach my modem. Anyway from fan reports, seems like Masha may be a diva now. Because his ENTIRE crew was there and it was like Live Bang show. He appeared a few minutes earlier than his scheduled time at 5pm and sang for I believe 45 minutes or so. He sang;
1) Asuheno March
4) Kazoku ni narou yo.
5) Revolution Evolution
6) Fighting Pose
7) Kokoro Color
8) Sakurazaka
Quite an impressive list! Anyway hoping for some Youtube video or something soon. Some screencaps is available in FB but I will repost here later when the rain is not so severe.
Some snippets by Mashamasha;
Btw in the mc part masha talked about アンパンマン (anpanman). He once said he hated アンパンマン (anpanman) though their birthday is the same. (anpanman) caused him trauma in performing outdoor live event. He said many years ago he attended a live event with him and (anpanman) and some other artists as guest. He performed right before (anpanman) and he felt on the stage that all the live audience were waiting for (anpanman) performance and wanted him to finish asap. The worst thing is before he performed, the live event staff told him that (anpanman) had another event to attend after tge live event so they need to cut masha's part (sing one song less than originally agreed) to let (anpanman)finish early
Basic summary thanks to Akari;
He came out two times, once for his own show 45 min (asu e no march, hello, it's only love, kazoku ni narouyo, revolution evolution, fighting pose, Kokoro color, sakurazaka) and then for a second time in the very last show of the night where everyone (samba master, yanai michihiko, begin, etc) sings/ performs/hugs on stage with I LOVE TOU INEEDYOU FUKUSHIMA, and Fukuyama is rocking his guitar for the song along side sambo master (guitar solo!). Fukuyama's performance was great! Got the crowd to bring out their live bang! Towels (a lot of them had one)! At the end of the concert. He changed his shirt to the tsunami awareness tamashii shirt and he really revved up his guitar! He sincerely shook hands with Yanai and others before and after the show, and the whole thing ended with fireworks! A ton of people cried when I LOVE YOU INEED YOU FUKUSHIMA played, the first time when Sambo Master performed it (he was sobbing the whole time he sang it and so was the audience, because he's from Fukushima) the second time with the makeshift band by Yanai and Sambo, etc, and the third time with Fukuyama as a guitarist and everyone else singing it together on stage!
I think the following are the links to respective parts thank to HKFC. I haven't seen any of the videos below so I am not sure;
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FB03Q45K Part 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=03XQPJ8O Part 3
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KRJBXJ2S Part 4
News Zero reported on the event on 22.09.2011
UPDATES 29.09.2011
New Zero on 28.08.2011, with in depth interview of Masha at backstage of Fukushima Live
Guitarist's Checklist – 14 points to success at guitar. Click www.gofastek.com for more information.
This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw. Thanks for posting this informative Information.
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