Albeit a handsome one. Masha's message to Taiwan, in the video below. I am just confused; is this guy the guy in this post of mine? If yes, where the heck is the interview?
What he said? Thanks to Szeying for translating;
Actually, I planned to hold a concert in Taiwan this year. However due to the natural disaster in Japan, there are alot of changes in schedule and thus I regret that I'm unable to hold a concert in Taiwan. However, Japan receive many help from Taiwan and Japanese are very grateful to Taiwanese. I'm one of them.We are discussing on the timing to hold concert in Taiwan next time. I hope to see everyone soon but before that please wait for a while. I hope we will meet in concert one day. I'm Fukuyama Masaharu. Thank you.
Now speculation is high again as to when is Asia Tour. First it was Asia Stopover with Taiwan only getting the love but maybe come 2012, there may be more stops. Fans are certain he will announce the dates and places in Daikanshasai later this year and I suspect so. So far Taiwan is confirmed. But I hope for HK. Malaysia is out of the race, and my feelings is Singapore too. Anyway if the places are at least confirmed (Taiwan at least), so when will it be? My feeling is either 1st quarter of the year or next year's Daikanshasai. Why? There is Olympics in London in the middle of the year and I suspect he will go with his trusted camera. Frankly I would avoid London since it will be jam packed and with the negative news, wouldn't be wise but Masha will most certainly go though he has yet to say anything. So my feeling is first quarter of the year. Since I've been wrong before, this is only my speculation.
I was right!!!! See Izumisano's post;
He's confirmed it himself.
UMG Taiwan just posted a new video of him addressing the Taiwan fans. You can see it
at (the clip saying 福山雅治給台灣歌迷的一段話~)
Basically, he said to Taiwan that they had planned to hold a concert there this year, but the East Japan disaster had forced them to reschedule their domestic dates and so they cannot no longer make it. But on the other hand, Taiwan has given them such a lot of support on the disaster, the people of Japan people are all very grateful to the people of Taiwan and he too would like to thank them with all his heart. With this consideration, they're looking into an appropriate timing for the concert in Taiwan and he's very much looking forward to seeing them. In the meantime, he asks them to wait for a while longer and hopes to see them when the concert comes.
I was right about the timing, I was right about his intention and what caused him to cancel, I am also right I think he had wanted to announce this concert when he was supposed to go to Taiwan when promoting Best Bang. I was wrong only on intended venue; it was only Taiwan so I was right about the stopover. So... there's always next year! Asia Tour 2012, maybe more places eh? Start saving money now!
BROS just announced there will be Daikanshasai end of year at Yokohama Pacifico. So no more Asia Tour? Never has there been any Asia Tour? Anyway if you wish to ballot for this year end concert, do join BROS before 30th September which is the cut off date. I wish I could go for 31st though. But I think I don't have that luck. If by then you have an extra ticket and the seat is good, offer to me first, give me a chance to accept or reject.

And it is back to Asia Tour again. Why? Masha recently recorded and UMG Taiwan posted I believe in FB a 10 seconds message by Masha to Taiwanese fans (you can see in my FB account). This is due to the release of 27th single in Taiwan on I think 05.09.2011 (or maybe 09.09.2011 which I originally thought) and everyone is asking why release this single in Taiwan? (Normal, Masha's albums are usually released there it seems). But why a special announcement in BROS this time? (maybe promotion?) Why keep mentioning Taiwan, HK in his concerts? (Taiwan was the biggest donor for the charity collection fund I believe, hence the special shoutout to Taiwan, and he does have a big fanbase in HK). Now why this special video just for Taiwan that some Japanese fans didn't even know exist? (Ermmm...promotion?). So what is he doing in December? (Ermmm not getting married I hope?). Truth is I don't know. But I speculate the following so see if I am right and if I am right, well no prize for guessing right.
1. he will have a Asia Stopover (meaning smaller scale than Tour, 1 night here, 1 night here sort of thing)
2. he will have this stopover in December 2011, like I always said, his Daikanshasai out of Japan
3. he will have them in HK, Taiwan. Other possible venues may be Singapore, Korea, China. But I think he will limit to 2 or 3 countries only. It is either HK or China. I want HK. Why? I know HK.
4. when he does stopover, he may have a meet the fans session but my guess is, he won't. Probably interviews. He doesn't look the sort who will appear at shopping complexes.
5. I won't be able to go because can't get tickets. How to fight with so many people. As I have said many times before, any extra tickets, spare some thoughts for me. Don't care HK, China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore.
We shall see. I always thought he was gonna announce something when he was supposed to go to Taiwan to promote Best Bang before the whole tsunami-earthquake happened. Just gut feelings. Of course December could be his wedding date for all I know. If nothing announced in December, my bet is it will be Asia Tour 2012!! And hopefully some series. He has been traveling a lot this year itself, he needs rest.
More speculations after Read More link.
Back to square one. Fans are speculating, hoping against hope for the much speculated then died out then alive again Asia Tour 2011. My feelings have always been the same; he will spend winter Daikanshasai out of Japan. Question is where, which stop? Again I speculate December, from looks of it I will say Taiwan is a definite stop, HK hopefully too and that's about it. Why Taiwan? Because he mentioned Taiwan and HK several times, maybe Korea too. Moreover a specific announcement was made unofficially as to the impending release of 27th single in Taiwan, if I am not mistaken the Mini Live DVD version on 09.09.2011. Fans ask why specially announce? Don't read too much into that announcement, maybe they just want people to know hey! got album selling. Because if they want statistics, I am sure online sites can help compile a full list of purchasers and he will easily know foreign fans buy his albums as well. Let's not torture ourselves but I always believe the intended press conference in Taiwan for The Best Bang Asia edition before the whole tsunami/earthquake disaster was meant to announce something. Maybe he will do so for this Taiwan release. So far no news if he is going to Taiwan thought but I wouldn't be surprised if he does. But he doesn't need to break into international market, it is a novelty rather than a necessity, like thanking fans. I just hope I can be wherever he chose as his first, middle and last stop out of Japan!

Is it true that Masha may be planning an Asia Concert Tour in 2011? And that rumoured first stop is Hong Kong? Rumour has it he had wanted to hold a concert in HK this year itself but Ryoma-Den got in the way. If it is true, I think it is far cheaper for me to go to HK than to Japan then! Accommodation is fair, transport is ok, plane ticket cheaper, closer as well and in Chinese so won't be lost. But as usual the biggest problem? Tickets. I wonder if he does go to HK and not stop anywhere near Malaysia, will someone or anyone in HK spare me a ticket. I won't mind paying double (or triple) as long as I don't need to go through the hell of auctioning or in a foreign languaged land. I've been to HK before so it is familiar territory. In fact it would be less hassle than going to Singapore and don't ask me why. I just have this impression and I don't mind another cup of that tasty best drink ever, Iced Lemon Tea HK style. In fact that is what I miss most about HK, apart from the cool weather.
I wish.. I wish...
ballot? now i'm curious. how does this whole daikanshasai thing work anyway?
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