This page used to be part of his Biodata page but since it is getting longer, it merits its own page. Here you will find some probably unknown facts of Masha that some section of fans may not be aware of but I am sure his much experienced fans would probably know and could probably correct me if I am wrong. Anyway these are fun facts and stuff about Masha and those surrounding him collected from various sources! You will find more rumours, gossips and even real news all under the label [ABOUT] Masha. I am still rather interested to know what car he drives (flashy ones, plain ones, etc) and his handphone (Iphone perhaps?). There are some facts very well known about Masha but I'd rather not blog them here. It involves his personality in his radio shows and the saucy things he has admitted and said, and I am sure fans of his radio shows will know what I am referring to. Anyway if you know some interesting facts, habits, etc about Masha or his concerts, do use Post A Comment!
Click Read More for the fun facts!
- Masha used to be a heavy smoker in his younger days. He stopped when he got the flu during the filming of Beauty or Beast in 2003, and laid off from then on. Experienced fans have commented that his voice has improved significantly after that.[Source]
- "according to experienced fans, before he switched to contacts, he'd put his glasses on for the slow songs so he can read the guitar score" [Izumisano] "If I remember correctly, he started wearing contacts at the end of 2001 in preparation for the 2002 Fukuyama Engineering TV series. Am I right? And no, he does need the glasses. If you look at the old clips, you'll see that he actually used to wear them a lot before. There was a certain music station (I can't remember which one) where he was in glasses while talking to Tamori-san, and when asked to standby for singing, he took them off and just casually handed them to the singer sitting next to him for safekeeping" [Izumisano] "2000 Music Station, where he performed Sakurazaka in red shirt. During that time, they did a Best 10- Fukuyama Masaharu and he wears his glasses to watch the VTR. Once it's finished, he had to do a standby. He handed to the guy seated next to him" [River]. I believe he started wearing contact lenses towards the end of 2001, to prepare for the filming of Fukuyama Engineering (aired 2002). Before that, he said he was worried about putting things in his eyes. So he used to have glasses on for the slow songs on stage (to read the guitar score), and take them off for the rest of the concert. According to experienced fans, during the 2001 Daikanshasai, he said himself how clearly he could see the faces in the audience for the first time [Izumisano]
- Gay rumour and marriage rumours
- He has a collection of wine which is "more than a small wine shop.. he has two sets of wine cellar plus one room for keeping his wine collection" - Source : Fan forum
SOME CONCERT FACTS- And I read that Masha once worked in a timber company in Nagasaki before he moved to Tokyo to pursue his dream as a singer.He did go back to visit his ex employer some years later who obviously remembered him. I am not sure if the poster referred to the same timber job. Because frankly I am not sure if Masha worked elsewhere. Anyway have a look at the company here. Apparently very near his childhood home! [Source]
- Did you know that Masha was in Osaka promoting HELLO on 17.01.1995? And this incident was why the ANN request song was born. What's so special about this date? Read about Masha, 17.01.1995, Osaka and the Kobe earthquake here.
- He has (probably had, since this fact may be old fact) TWO of these at his apartment. I wouldn't be surprised he doesn't switch them off when he is working or touring.
- He is known for being a clean freak. I mean he did talk about doing house chores, and such and he is rather proud of the fact that he keeps his house in pristine condition. You can hear this in his own words in the Shin Domoto Kyoudai interview way back in 2006 and guess what? I believe he is still the same even now. If you do drop by his apartment, try your best not to leave a speck of dust. That is how much of a clean freak he is that I've read from fans discussion. So I can conclude he doesn't have a pet, if he has one it must be an Idog or something. And so imagine him with little children running around with crayons. Could that be his worst nightmare?
- "He was seen dropping in at NHK entrance lobby with his friends to take pictures with the Ryomaden posters (this was before the filming and they didn't have a pass). The guard at the front entrance didn't recognise him and told them off. The observer said Masha immediately apologised together with his friends and they left like normal tourists. He didn't identify himself." [Anonymous] It may be due to him not wanting to make a scene or he wants to go incognito since this was his day out with his friends. But mostly because he probably didn't think of his celebrity as something of a big deal and didn't want to flaunt it either. If that is true, I like him even more even if I do disagree with his way of thinking sometimes.
- I don't know how much is true with this one but "there are more fans holding uchiwa or boards, or even penlights. These seems to be the new fans, who do not know the rule. Masha dislikes such props in his concerts. Basically he feels that he is not an idol so he needs not have props for his concerts. I heard that he purposely ignore the fans who hold the boards and uchiwa at the concerts." [Source] If it is true, minus 10 points. Those boards and such (change to HK channel and you will see them in even fan gatherings) are an effort made by fans so if he does ignore them, I feel that is not right. If he doesn't need props in his concert, so why the towels which to me is a prop? But I do agree with the person that such stuff blocks views. So if you must bring a board or note to his concert, hold it up for 10 seconds max every hour or so and then just put them away. Or better yet bring a towel. It would be great and funny if everyone flings say a Keshin towel or best bang towel and suddenly someone swings a huge bath towel specially knitted with Masha's name/message/face on it. I think that would be much appreciated perhaps? I haven't seen anyone throw a teddy bear at him. Please don't, you might get kicked out of the concert hall.
- he was "sent by TV Asahi as a photographer for the 2000 Sydney Olympics". We all know he was also the photograpger for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. You can find photos of him and his "report" in my Facebook page in respective folders. But what I didn't know since from the lack of photos is that he was also the photographer for the 2004 Athens Olympics! Alas no photobook or newspaper report or anything. And thanks to Izumisano who says "The Beijing photos were released in the Asahi TV special website. The website is still there but the photos link has been closed. Some of them were later covered in the August 2008 Aera (Magazine). He had photo exhibitions which showed his photos in 2004. There weren't many." In fact I didn't even know he was at Athens!
- Masha doesn't like using soap during shower, because "he thinks using soap is not good for skin, he will only use soap for cleaning some of the body parts" [Mashamasha]. Let me guess; he is a big fan of shower gel then? No wonder he has such soft skin. -He used kakapo to describe himself in TFM when the listener asked him how he spent his off days during the concert tour. He joked the listener must think he as a celebrity, would go to the nightclubs, with alcohol and girls for the whole night. He then said he is already middle-aged, a flightless kakapo. What he does during his off is to take sufficient rest and physical training to maintain his physical fitness for the concert. he talked about the above when Hot Spots New Zealand episode was going to on air [Mashamasha] -he wears short jeans doing physical exercise at backstage, inspired by B'z's 稲葉浩志 (Hiroshi Inaba) [Mashamasha]
- he has told for many many times that he is unable to say these 3 words in real life because it carries too "heavy" meaning. He once told that when filming Hitotsu Yane No Shita II, when he read the script and noted that he need to say "aishi te ru" to Koyuki, he approached the director and asked if he could say other words to replace this phrase because he has never said this in his real life. The director rejected and replied "No need to change because it is Masaya who says this, not you" [Mashamasha]
- He said it is not easy for him to remember the lyrics because he writes the lyrics by himself and he has written different versions before finalising. when he performs on the stage, there are often some moments that he forgets which version he finally adopts. He has been using the monitor for long time but it was less noticeable among the audience in the past when there was no stage back seat and hanamichi. The monitor is not only showing lyrics, but also guitar note and mc script [Mashamasha] - True! Saw the monitor at Yoyogi
- in recent interview in the Tokyo Walker magazine issue 23.08.2011 (thanks to Szeying for the scan above), Masha expressed his view of an ideal family and translated by Barbie of MashaPlus, it is "a big family where grandparents, papa, mama and children live together in one house, and if children are naughty, being disciplined by parents, they could go to grandparents for shelter" which is basically a typical Asian family values. Quite a traditional view.
- Masha's skin care routine is reportedly simple, but expensive. He listens to his I suppose beautician. "In addition to washing with warm water, serum and lotion is also used. The skincare mentioned is Shiseido (cle de peau BEAUTE) which is a super premium brand" [Angelreii/River]

I'm not sure if his photoexhibitions had covered the 2004 Athens photos, they might have. But I heard he did host 2 TV specials of the 2004 Athens softball team with Kodama Kiyoshi, though I haven't seen them.
I am surprised by the lack of info on this 2004 athens thing. Very surprised. Thanks for the info!
As a Greek i would very much like to know if he liked Greece, if he heard any Greek music and what he thought about it.
If you happen to find something PLEASE keep me posted
I was about to say he probably hasn't been to Greece when I suddenly remember he was at ATHENS!! Like I said I was very surprised by the lack of coverage so I don't even know if there's any photos of him eating greek food. Will definitely post more when I do find out more about this mysterious Athens Olympics assignment. Sort of like Amalfi movie isn't it?
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