He will probably never know the following words existed but you, someone who appreciates his music as much or probably more than I do, who loves his acting probably more than I do and knows him definitely more than I do will know. When I wrote it it felt sincere because it came from my heart and I am rarely sentimental but now that I read it again, it may sound like it came from a creepy fan! But I have a policy for my blogs; not one word changes from the original post unless requested to do so. So here it is, my message to Masha on his 20th Anniversary of his debut, that was way back on 21st March 1990, a date which I didn't know until 2 days ago which speaks of how much I know him. How time flies, and I am as always glad to rediscover him! Please don't laugh at my attempts not at writing a poem but rather well, at sentimentality.
"Will you think lesser of me if I were to wish for a further 20 years?
After all you may wish to rest for a little while.
Will you tire of my demands for one more song?
Will you retreat from my expectation of seeing your face on TV for little while longer?
Am I a bit too greedy to ask of you what I just did?
Please don't because of you my life is a little richer.
Thank you for your music.
Thank you for your voice.
Thank you for your performances.
Thank you for your appearances.
Thank you for your message.
Thank you for your passion for music;
because of your passion my love for music grew.
Most of all, thank you.
Just a simple thank you,
for everything.
Funn, Msia"
A very nice person asked anyone has any message for Masha and I posted the above and she in return posted it at the BROS forums!! I wonder if he will at least cringe at the sentimentality? Here, have a look, she even gave it a nice title! Click on it for the full sized picture. I must admit the font is rather nice.
To see his face from all these many years, click Read More link.
Someone posted this at HK Discussion Forums, I am not sure if this was fan made or was made for BROS webpage, his fanclub by the way. Either way, look at the years that passed. Hardly ages, and like fine wine, he gets better musically and acting wise as well as looks wise as he grows older. May I just add, from a creepy fan point of view, WHAT A HANDSOME MAN.

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