Found a very interesting snippet about Masaharu-san's Romania Trip in 1996 for Act Against Aids event which illustrates his character. A must read but first, a flashback...
I was thinking where is Rumania, did some googling and found out Rumania is
Romania where I only know they were a country that used to produce great gymnasts like
Nadia Comaneci whom I believe was first to score a perfect 10 in the Olympics many many years ago.
I was away from Japan for a few days (in February 2009), what did I do?
Actually, I went to 3 countries, if you include transit, then it adds upto 5. First I went to Rome, it was for work. As for what, I can't disclose it yet. I stayed in Italy for 5 days, then went to Rumania.
Speaking of why I had to go there, it was because of the Act Against Aids activity organised by Amuse, of course the organisers included other groups as well. Since the 1993 AAA was established, all funds collected were donated to Rumania to facilities looking after children orphaned by Aids or having Aids. To see these children, I went there twice in 1996. Of course, I also wanted to see how the funds were put to use. 13 years have since passed. I've had plenty of opportunities to go to Europe, but this time I thought I'd go back to have a look.
Unfortunately, some of the children have already passed away. But for the others, their lives have changed greatly: some have entered society, going to school or work. Some have even gotten engaged. I heard that a girl I had met (in the previous trips) had gotten engaged, so I thought, if I could, I really wanted to give her my congratulations. It was later that I found out, that she still remembers me and has come to Japan many times. So I wanted to see her.
~Extract from Talking FM 2009.02.22 & translated by Izumisano for Masha Heart~
Click Read More link for an interesting snippet on the trip, Santa Masha and tracks of his tears on his face.

I believe the following translation by Mashamasha of the same forum is for the scan on the left with some addition by Izumisano.
Last month (June 2010?) , photographer (Herbie) Yamaguchi wrote a short article in newspaper about his visit to Rumania with masha in 96 X'mas for the Act Against Aids event. Then Joshi Seven (a magazine) this time interviewed one of the HIV kids whom they have visited.
The girl (now 23 years old ) said the first time she met masha is in June 96, masha visited them and sang with his guitar for them, and gave hamonica to each of them as present.
In Dec 96, masha came to visit them again. This time, masha dressed as Santa Claus with white moustache, so they did not know this guy is fukuyama at first sight. He gave them candies and sang X'mas song for them and when he sang, they immediately recognised he is fukuyama.
Through AAA staff, the girl and others came to Japan in 07 and watched masha's 17th nen mono concert. After the show, they went to the backstage to find masha. masha was very touched by how much they have grown up. The girl said she still remembers the tears in masha's eyes at that time.
In Feb 09, masha came to Rumania to visit them because he was told that the girl just got married and he went to congratulate her. Because they knew that it was also masha's birthday at that time, they arranged a surprise birthday party to masha.
The girl said what she appreciates and respects masha most is his personality. Even though he is a super star in Japan, he is very friendly and has the same attitude to everyone. She also loves listening to his songs and her favorite is Heart.
The said X'mas picture must be the following one
first posted here. Original size (which is much bigger) can be found at post #104 Page 7 at HK Fans Discussion Forums.
I wonder which is the girl? Funny though, how I am sure they were curious who is this fair looking young man singing in some strange language and connected with him and now she is his fan! How strange life is. I wonder did she have AIDs too? Was she I am not sure for the lack of better word to used, cured? Or maybe I read wrong, she was one of the orphans, parents probably died of AIDs.
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