The news is kinda directly from the horses' mouth so to speak, to be more precise BROS. Considered as 26th single, the album will release all these 3 songs as follows:-
M-1:蛍 (Hotaru)
M-2:少年 (Shonen)
M-4:蛍 (Original Karaoke)
M-5:少年 (Original Karaoke)
So, Revolution//Evolution is just music like 99? Since it is announced I am pretty sure you may hear it later tonight on ANN!!
There's also something about piano version, DVD version, 32 page booklet version, etc so again the releases may come with CD standard and one with DVD which means we may have double dose of PV for Shonen and Hotaru? Or probably just Hotaru? I have a feeling Hotaru is the main song here.
Frankly I am not sure since I can't read Japanese. If you can read or would like to decipher yourself, go to
Post #714 Page 48 of the HK Fans Discussion Forum where I found the cover above.
What I do know is the release of 3 songs with 2 karaoke versions on 14th August 2010. Which means your wallet will be crying hard, again. Seriously, he has been working non stop for these 2 years doesn't he? So many songs, so many albums, etc. But to me still underexposed!
Taken from MashaPlus Info Forums about the cover photo above as discussed in ANN show dated 18.07.2010.
Masha was talking about the cover jacket earlier. It was taken at Nagasaki, at a place he likes. He wore his own clothes, very natural without any make up. BUT... he said there was some touch up on the picture where it was his beard stubs that they photoshopped away.
By the way, that kanji words on the CD cover where he wrote I believe Hotaru/Shounen? That's his own handwriting.
More similar news ...
The Actor-Singer Fukuyama Masaharu will release his 26th Single, titled: Hotaru/Shonen on the 11th Aug. The cover was shot while he was in Nagasaki during the filming of Ryomaden, with plain clothes and no makeup. However, the stubble was photoshopped later, revealed the singer in his 17th July broadcast of Fukuyama Masaharu-All Night Nippon (Saturday, 1130pm).
Currently busy with Ryomaden, this is his latest single since Hatsukoi was released eight months ago. Hotaru was used as a theme song in the drama Mioka (Saturday 9pm) while Shonen is a tied-in song with Toshiba Regza LCD TV CM. A third song, titled: Revolution/Evolution is a tied-in song with Asahi Beer.
In addition with the Regular Edition, the single will also feature a Special Edition with 32p photobook and Hotaru-piano version. Another Edition will have the Hotaru's PV, which featured Yoshitaka Yuriko (lead actress in Mioka) wearing a yukata.
Details on where to buy or pre-order after Read More link.
The following do accept international orders. There are many versions, for one the DVD version, normal version and then the 32 page booklet version. So do read carefully before ordering. Frankly I myself am confused.
Weight according to Yesasia.com
Normal/Regular - 100g
Normal CD Limited - 260g
Limited edition with 32 page photobook + Hotaru piano version + Chaku uta benefit
CD/DVD Limited - 200g
Limited Edition with CD and DVD with Hotaru PV
If it were me, I will aim for Normal Limited with the 32 page photobook. I am sure the PV can be downloaded as always but no one will scan the photobook and post online. Moreover it is slightly cheaper. For international orders do take note of postage charges. All prices other than yen are just approx amount using online conversion.
HMV Japan
I read their delivery charges are fair as they charge actual delivery cost.
Amazon Japan
You might want to check out Amazon first as early birds have discounts from what I can see.
All prices are about ¥150-¥200 more. But since international orders include free delivery and taking into account delivery charges for HMV and Amazon, maybe the prices are about the same, more or less? Yesasia is in HK by the way, I bought from them before, I find them efficient but that was several years ago.
BEWARE! FREE DELIVERY IS FOR PURCHASES ABOVE USD39 ONLY! So it is only considered a good deal if you happen to purchase above that amount!
CD/DVD limited [MYR 78.53, USD 21.49]
You might want to check out CDJapan which offers very competetive prices! Not sure about the delivery charges.
actually,there is another site that is selling this single for more cheaper price.i bought it for RM52++(USD 16.49) only.that place is : http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-emjb-71-oc-49-en-84-j-70-3vzt.html
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