Added download link for the 22.11.2010 appearance
Masha was on Waratte Iitomo! today on 22.11.2010 to talk about THE BEST BANG!! album which I just realised did not have Beautiful Days and watashi kaze ni naru amongst many many gems but the dreaded Koibito is in it. Anyway from what I can read or didn't read, I don't he made any comments about that incident that caused a huge uproar just weeks before. I was hoping he would say something. Maybe he did, I will just have to wait but I think he didn't. No HD yet but there are some great quality screencaps. And yes, still same hairstyle, except longer. A lot of flowers to welcome him back I suppose and the fan forums said he said he's been to Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa and Thailand. The first 3 (at least first 2 because I don't think I remember reading South Africa in the list) must be for the NHK documentary but Thailand may be for a CM or some personal R&R.
masha said the crew (including him) got food poisoning during the trip, his young managers even need to go to hospital (not sure which country). they have been to Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, then Thai for CM shooting, total 1 month (yes! like I speculated! What CM though? Dunlop?) everytime in waratte iitomo, the guest need to think of one question to ask the audience, if one of the them answerd yes, then the guest will get a present, which is tamori mobile phone string. This time masha asked if there is anyone not using any moisture milk or anything alike to wash the body and face, just like him and tamori, both just use hot water to wash body.....(but masha added he does use shampoo to wash hair). Two of the audience answered yes (more than one), so masha cannot get the present. Last time when he came to iitomo, his question is anyone ate curry as breakfast in that morning.
Anyway the pictures, the videos and more after Read More link.
Further thanks to River for translating the news from which by the way reports on the whole bathing thing discussed in this show, very very fast reporting.
The Tamori Bathing Law!!!.
Fukuyama Masaharu has confirmed he has followed Tamori's bathing law, whereby you only need to soak your body in the hot water and it cleanses away the dirt. When the question was asked to the audience, two persons answered. Thus, he did not win the Tamori Special keychain (awww.... *sad face*). Could this type of bathing picked up in the winter?

Not HD versions, in 4 parts
Click here to go to page for download. Thanks to Tatiana for the upload. The quality isn't the best. It is in fact captured from the computer which probably is from a streaming video because at one point I saw the windows screen! But better than none!
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