I saw a newspaper scan and it might be the following article, but I stand to be corrected. Taken from the same forum;
All English text in italics is my understanding of this very long article. As always, I stand to be corrected.
Basically a rundown on his past as a student, how he was not a keen student unless there are girls in that particular class. And also his choice of career and a bit of background on career options in Nagasaki which was very limited back in those days. Those who read his biography will know this part.
福山求學時人緣甚佳,儘管成績欠佳,但老師都很喜歡這位性格開朗陽光的男孩,就連日本娛樂記者亦指他是Mood Maker,有他在現場,氣氛特別舒服。福山也懂得發掘別人的優點,就像奧運柔道金牌女選手谷亮子,一般人覺得她身形健碩兼孔武有力,但福山卻盛讚她「笑容很溫暖,感覺很可愛」。
不過,「人見人愛」的福山早前卻傳出與木村拓哉不和,兩人在《Music Station》碰頭時,後者整個節目都沒望他一眼。福山在雜誌《an‧an》的「最喜愛男性」選舉中,連續十年屈居木村之下。有《Music Station》工作人員事後還指節目當日氣氛很緊張,但福山由始至終都非常輕鬆,還與他們開玩笑,令他們鬆一口氣。
Ahhh, discord with mr popular, Kimura Takuya and that Music Station incident (13.08.2010), how he deflected the laser stare of that aforementioned celebrity and how he made the staff breath easier. Also reiterates his popularity and friendliness from school (despite as the article pointedly said, his poor results - was he such a poor student?!) that continues till this day. Also noted how he made reporters at ease with his friendliness and easy going demeanour, how he could quite simply make everybody feel at ease whenever he is in a room. How he was chosen to play Ryoma instead of the much rumoured Kimura Takuya which has by the way been debunked by the writer himself Fukuda-san who said quite clearly Masha was the first and only choice.
事實上,福山的好友網絡非常廣泛,除了他非常尊敬的前輩《美女定野獸》兒玉清、同公司前輩兼樂隊Southern All Stars成員桑田佳祐、小說《東京鐵塔》作家Lily Franky、棒球名將新庄剛志,合演《神探伽利略》的北村一輝,甚至尊尼事務所偶像KAT-TUN的梨和也、News的山下智久和生田斗真,以及《東京Dogs》小栗旬均是好友。
A good one on how he is friends with everybody from the entertainment circle, from young performers to veterans, from same management to different management. Sort of highlights how wide his circle of friends are.
愛看AV 開騷不穿內褲
福山在電台節目中的黃色笑話更是長聽長有,永不落空,他有次亮相人氣音樂節目《Music Station》,自爆開演唱會時不會穿內褲,最愛真空上陣。「在演唱會上成千上萬的觀眾對你歡呼尖叫,就像把你捧上天一樣,但演唱會結束後返回酒店沐浴休息,卻要一個人落寞地洗底褲,這情景真的很淒慘,所以我決定以後演出時都不穿內褲,那就不用再感到這種冷清了。」他早前與KAT-TUN成員梨和也消遣時,亦表示當時大家飲酒談天,「當然是說黃色笑話了,但男生不都是這樣嗎?」
Now this is the interesting part, albeit a bit of guessing from me. His love of porn or in Japan known as AV movie is well known as well as his love of dirty jokes. Anyway, it is said he wants to direct an AV movie? Not sure. What is sure is when AV actresses heard of his interest in their industry, they sort of like to introduce themselves to him. Lucky him. Some even volunteered to let him "inspect" them. Then the article sort of said of his stinginess; that he loves to watch AV movies but he does not buy them. He in fact finds online sample movies, to save money perhaps? Well, that we all know of course! Also mentioned how in one interview he revealed he does not wear underwear during concert performances to save time on washing those undergarments and that we all know. And the drinking sessions with younger friends tend to concentrate a lot on dirty jokes. And that we all know as well.
緋聞一大籮 已結婚?
其實福山求學時,附近學校的女學生已早具慧眼,偷偷捧他為偶像,還組成Fan Club,稱他為「巴士站的他」。福山入行後亦桃花運不絕,他與內田有紀1994年合演《同一屋簷下》而擦出愛火,但卻因價值觀不同在2002年分手,之後福山就沒再公開承認戀情。2003年拍攝《美女定野獸》時,有傳福山搭上同劇的白石美帆,拍攝《神探伽俐略》時曾有指他與柴崎幸情投意合;不過,也敵不過由男星加藤晴彥介紹認識的《烏冬廚神》小西真奈美,緋聞由2006年至今時今日仍時常見報。
Now this is the part most wouldn't know and most are just gossips but darn interesting. It talks about however much he tried to avoid such rumours, he is always linked to someone, most of which I have written about in his Profile page. To recap, Seto Asaka (co star in the To Daisuke In Heaven), his mentor Ueda Shoji's nameless granddaughter, Konishi Manami, Uchida Yuki (his co star from Under Same Roof) and some more names I do not recognise. He was in fact rumoured to have dated his co-stars (leading ladies) from Beauty Or Beast as well as Galileo, well that we all know. Also he was rumoured to be in a gay relationship with Ken Hirai. Oh that one we all know!! However he has openly acknowledged one relationship, that is Uchida Yuki whom he dated from 1994 and reportedly broke up with her in 2002, which is what the article says anyway. Broke up due to different values? Anyway after that no more acknowledged relationships, which is true. However one relationship still persists till today and that is Manami Konishi, from 2006 till present. Well, I have always said if there is any relationship I believe to be true, would be with Manami Konishi. She is still single, she is tall, pretty, cute and from what I can see, not doing much these days. In fact she seems rather free career wise. Also mentioned Masha always said he wishes to marry when he reaches 40. Well he is 41 now. The last part I am not sure what is meant; did the article says rumours abound he has married since 2008? Anyway whatever it may be, the article said since Ryoma Den is done filming, he is free next year and rumour has it he will use his now spare time to marry his rumoured girlfriend, Manami Konishi.
Ok, before you jump up and down with despair or excitement, depending on your reaction to this piece of "news", I must say it is my personal belief that he may still be dating Manami Konishi. Yes, I really have this belief that he has dated her before, or is dating her, or whatever. And if anyone he should marry, I think I am very happy if he chooses her, since I really like her. The fact that her career seems to be not going anywhere busy lately, and he is free, if they're dating I believe yes, any marriage may be possible in 2011. However I do not believe he is secretly married. Not his style. And you wanna really know what I think of Masha and marriage? Please don't hang me but I really do believe he has a commitment phobia or maybe he is so used to be alone he just can't share his life with another. That is what I really think. BUT if he does intend to marry whoeever he is dating, I think this article got the right girl for him. Just my personal opinion. But still my heart breaks...
This part is reality. Although his role was secondary in Under Same Roof, he achieved great success and went on to become very famous TV wise and then suddenly in 1996-1997 he stopped all activities to learn photography. Well he was a bit disillusioned and burnt out you see, that all fans know. He still hosted his 2 radio programs the article said and he traveled extensively and apart from photography, the article was careful to point out he learnt to cook Italian food. Yummy!
原來,福山當時有感無論自己及工作人員已疲憊不堪,漸失方向,每天得個「忙」字,於是他就像《再單身遊記》(Eat Pray Love)的作者Elizabeth Gilbert決定暫停腳步,重整人生。福山形容那兩年令他成長不少,成為人生及事業再衝刺的重要契機。
福山於暫停活動期間到處旅行影靚相,作品水準之高,令他已被專稱為專業攝影師。1994年福山的唱片《HELLO》邀請著名攝影師植田正治操刀,自此成為好友,植田更親自教授攝影。2000年植田逝世,福山於2005年舉行「Hommage‧獻給植田正治(福山雅治‧菊池武夫‧堀內誠一)」攝影展。福山曾以朝日電視台攝影師身分在悉尼、雅典及北京奧運拍照,除了舉辦多次影展外,還推出影集《f5.6的Hello 1/125的再見》。
This part something about turning professional with his interest in photography and also how he restructured his life with travels and exhibitions, much like the writer I believe of Eat Pray Love. Well, nice comparison I'd say although does make Masha sound like he was going through some huge emotional issue and like some over emotional woman. Very dramatic.
Ok, that't all I can understand from the article. Until there is a proper translation, I would say my most interested paragraph in this long article is the part on marriage. I believe many fans are interested as well, also including all mothers of prospective bride in Japan, which would be a huge number for anyone below 41. Interesting article though. I mean since Ryoma-Den is done, now is back to "when and who is he getting married with". Masha, to deflect all these, better get going with the sequel to Galileo!
Must admit I was very surprised to see this article on the papers today. It's one of the best written "crash courses" on him. They really made an effort to find out about his past, the "boy at the bus-stop" etc., the part where NHK never considered anyone else. Well done Ming Pao!
There is one part where they made a mistake. He has never ever acknowledged any of his relationships. That includes Uchida Yuki. As far as I remember, he never said yes or no about her rumour. In fact, neither party ocnfirmed it, though it was generally accepted by the media. I wish he was more open in this area.
I agree, and I also like the fact that it is neither a critique or some overdosed of love sort of article. I didn't get the part about the bus stop though and I hope you will find time to do a proper translation of it!
As for the relationships, he didn't say yes, he didn't say no. Did anyone ever asked him directly to which he neither confirmed nor deny? I mean it was according to the papers a very long relationship, almost 8 years?
He has a very skillful way of answering, or rather not answering. In a recent TV interview, he was asked (in paraphrase) how come he never gets photographed with his dates, what does he do to avoid it? His answer:
"If I disclosed it, it wouldn't work anymore." (Literally, I'd get photographed then, if I told you.)
That interview is on my to-do list, once the Ryomaden translations are finished, I guess.
Good answer but that would add more mystery and more staff to chase after him. I suppose Japanese papparazzi are not as aggressive as the Chinese counterpart. I suppose known or not known, he will be hounded. I look forward to the translation. Which TV interview by the way?
One of those NTV interviews that was going on for the whole day when Hotaru was released.
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