"Life Force" Episode 1: Madagascar
Jan 30 (Sun) 21:00-21:58 (ASTRO Ch 398 at 8pm Malaysia time)
NOTE : In NHK it is called Hotspots but internationally known as Life Force
A documentary series focusing on "biodiversity hotspots" which is a place that accounts for just 3% of all the land on Earth, where 75% of the mammals, birds, and amphibians that currently face extinction are found. The first episode features Madagascar that became the land of lemurs through the accidental arrival of one small group of primates 60 million years ago. Cycles of tumultuous geological and climatic events caused the foundation family to mutate into over 100 species of lemurs through a series of evolutionary processes.
None. NHK did not bother to subtitle it as in any subtitle other than Japanese.
As written by River of MashaPlus. I decided to leave it as it is because this has got to be one of the funniest recaps/summary ever. Further, * is an explanation by me.
Masha walking amongst the tree. Masha narrating the opening. He did sound different. Like a mix between Tosa accent and standard Japanese (probably using his Ryoma voice). The lady narrator took over. Once upon a time, before the huge volcanic eruption, Madagascar wass part of Australia and Africa. Now, it's an the island of its own. Around 65 million years ago, Masha's pet triceratop died. Thus, creating the unique Madagascar landscape now. It's back to Masha now, accompanied with explosion and epic soundtrack. Back to the lady narrator, with an American scientist talking about DNA. It's Masha again with that unfortunate pants. But when the camera points to his face only... Masha taking picture of his wife before the marriage ceremony. Now, they are officially married*
* Meaning he and the indri (a family of lemurs) which you must have seen in the TMO and the prologue, the one he made contact with using the mating call and kiss sounds that believe me pissed off a few fans for his callous womanising behaviour since poor lady indri responded and is now probably nursing a broken heart as they're famously monogamous animal, for life!
Need to stop deforestation in order for them to survive. That is why they are endangered species. They lick the Baobab flower nectar. He's walking on a burned land. The story about Indiri's ancestor accompanied by epic soundtrack.
I have the 720X480 version in AVI format, over 1.3GB. Available only upon request.
From HKFC, a decent 10.1%
More after Read More link.
26 seconds preview can be viewed at the official website. You can view the English synopsis at the official website here (choose Madagascar).
From the preview
Yes, I have lost count how many times I have seen the mating call myself.

From the episode proper

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