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Historical Drama "RYOMADEN"
The ship obtained via Glover arrives in Shimonoseki, however, the Choshu clan accuses Chojiro of setting advantageous terms for Kameyama-shachu. After returning to Nagasaki, Chojiro is furthermore reproached by his fellow members condemning him that the terms were intended for his personal gain. Under Glover's advice, frustrated Chojiro decides to study in the U.K and secretly plans to smuggle onto a ship, but his plan is brought to light by officials.
Taken from fans discussion for purposes of plot. Spoilers alert.
Photography session! Everyone tries to be in their pose and so relief once the cameraman says okay, done! All of them asking all sort of questions before the photographer could take. It seems like Katsura has some doubt in Choujiro. Something was not right with the agreement. I think it was the quantities. Sakamoto-kun told Katsura they will rectify the issues. Yataro appears. Chojiro finally asked about Going to England. Choujiro is not accepting the bribe at first. Kameyama-shachu were quarrelling amongst themselves. that was the deciding factor that made Choujiro leave. Because of what Choujiro did, the officials are going to punish the Kameyama-shachu. Ryoma defended Choujiro honour as a samurai.
Next Week: Saigo & Katsura meet. Yataro caught by the shinsengumi because they thought he was Ryoma. coughcough... hello! Yataro doesn't look anywhere near like Ryoma. There will be a scene with Oryo. Ryoma becomes a wanted man (again?)
Questions Asked And Answered
On the Chouijo and the bribe issue.
"it is not really a bribe.A brief summary of what i understand When Choujiro netgoiated the deal with Glover and Choushu representatives, Choushu representatives agreed that Kameyama Shachu can share the use of the ship Choushu bought, and this term was not known by Ryoma and Katsura. So when Katsura knew it, he did not agree and Ryoma agreed to remove this term. Choujiro felt very disappoined because he wanted Kameyama Shachu to share the use of the ship to do business. When other Kameyama Shashu members knew he once included this term in the deal, they blamed him for acting for self interests as they should put Choushu-Satsuma alliance as first priority. This made Choujiro decide to leave them and go to England with the help of Glover. The money was from the two Choushu represenatives to Kameyama Shashu as they felt sorry for breaking their promise to Kameyama Shashu. The two Choshu representatives giving that money are the two with Choujiro during the negotiation in last episode (i.e. Inoue and Ito), not the two reading the agreement in tonight's episodes. "
[As explained by Mashamasha]
"So, the disagreement was because their priorities were different. Choujiro was looking towards the business side of Kameyama Shachu. So the money was not from Glover but from the 2 Chosu guys. The two Chosu representatives are not the same two with Choujiro during the negotiation with Glover. Because they were like unhappy with the terms after read them with Choujiro." [By Angelreii on the issue as well]
On why didn't Choujiro just run away
"Chojiro was caught stowing away on the ship to Engliand and was brought back to port. So the authorities know about it and went to the Kameyama Shachu to find him. But Chojiro was hiding in the mansion of the merchant Kosone Kendou. In his absence, the officials want to make Kameyama Shachu the scapegoat. That's why Chojiro was so shocked when he learn that his actions will cause Kameyama Shachu to be punished. He committed seppuku to stop that from happening and take the responsibility himself." [As explained by Izumisano]
On why did Choujiro committed seppuku
"the Nagasaki officials do not have evidence to prove that the person escaping to England is Chojiro, they only know it is Tosa guy because of the person's Tosa ban. They suspected the guy was from Kameyama Shashu. As Chojiro comitted seppuku, the Nagasaki officials asked Ryoma to explain what happened, and asked if it is Chojiro who tried to escape to England. Ryoma replied he did not know at all, they did not know why he committed seppuku, he just thought as Chojiro is a samurai, maybe something caused him to commit seppuku. He said it is meaningless to investigate why a samurai committed seppuku. As Glover and another nagasaki merchant also did not disclose anything, the authorities can't do anything on Kameyama Shashu.The merchant told him the officials came to Kameyama Shashu and suspected the person is their member. I think Why Chojiro reacted like this is because he did not expect his plan was noticed by the officials and the officials are so clever to know the person is from Kameyama Shashu. In his letter to ryoma, he did explain he committed seppuku because he did not want to bring trouble to Kameyama Shashu." [As explained by Mashamasha]
What a waste of a life!
On the reaction by Japanese fans at the 2ch forums as reported by River
it has 2ch crying all over the board. And Oozumi Yo did a fantastic job today. Chojiro's conclusion came to a bittersweet ending. Is he right? Is he wrong? Today's episode definitely has an effect on them.
As this is his last episode, a lookback on the life of Choujiro as presented by NHK in pictures which you can view here. SPOILERS! He dies, as in line with history, from suicide or what is known as seppuku. Not a nice death. I took some pictures from there as below, more can be seen in that said article:-

Probably my favourite picture from Season 3 thus far and probably, after tonight's episode, the most poignant.

The real Choujiro did take a similar pose picture, of course in real life he was much much much shorter from what I can observe from that picture.Whilst the actor Oizumi Yo was better looking, they looked similar in certain aspect.
All are RAW files
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English translation
At Masha Heart by Izumisano
English fansub/softsub
Timed by Luna based on Izumisano's translation. Includes travelogue. Click here to download.
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